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Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Daniel 12 Alan Freeman 21st July 2024 21.51 MB
Daniel 12
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Daniel 11 Simon Allaby 7th July 2024 16.11 MB
Daniel 11
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Daniel 10 Mervyn Weeks 30th June 2024 29.78 MB
Daniel 10
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
T B C Simon Allaby 23rd June 2024 32.37 MB
Daniel 9
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Last days forewarned Simon Allaby 16th June 2024 27.05 MB
Daniel 8
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
T B A Simon Allaby 9th June 2024 18.49 MB
Daniel 7
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Mark Saunders testimony Mark Saunders 2nd June 2024 27.43 MB
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
T B A Mervyn Weeks 26th May 2024 32.01 MB
Daniel 6
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Daniel 5 Simon Allaby 19th May 2024 8.05 MB
Daniel 5
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Daniel 4 Simon Allaby 12th May 2024 20.89 MB
Daniel 4
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Why suffering? Simon Allaby 5th May 2024 23.6 MB
The audio begins with a testimony from Olivia one of our church members. The sermon begins a few minutes in.
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
There is only one God Simon Allaby 28th April 2024 31.26 MB
Daniel 3
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Set your red line and stick to it! Simon Allaby 21st April 2024 40.75 MB
Daniel 1 + 2
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Is Jesus alive? Simon Allaby 7th April 2024 22.14 MB
1 Corinthians 15:
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Encounters with Jesus- A blind man Simon Allaby 24th March 2024 26.2 MB
Matthew 20:29- 21:11
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Encounters with Jesus: Arich young man Joel Allaby 10th March 2024 22.09 MB
Matthew 9:18-26
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
A dead girl and a sick woman Christie Deegan 3rd March 2024 18.12 MB
Matthew 9: 18-26
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Encounters with Jesus - Peter, James and John Simon Allaby 25th February 2024 31.96 MB
Matthew 17:1-13
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